Course Etiquette

The etiquette of golf as printed in the Rules of Golf shall be observed at all times. In addition:

1. Walk smartly between shots and between holes.

2. Do not mark cards on greens or on the next tee if you are holding up play

3. Call through the following group as soon as it becomes apparent a ball will not be readily found. Do not wait until 3 minutes have elapsed before doing so.

4. Do not leave trundlers or carts in front of greens and do not take them between greens and bunkers or on to any teeing grounds.

5. Do not do anything to distract other players whilst they are playing a stroke.

6. Be conversant with the Rules of Golf and the Local Rules of the course you are playing.


RULES OF GOLF Members should make a thorough study of the Rules of Golf to ensure that they are observed. Local Rules for play at Akarana are printed in abbreviated form on the score card and are shown in full on the various notice boards. These may be varied from time to time and will be posted upon the notice boards over the signature of the Golf Operations Manager or Club Captain